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Her Crown and Glory

Growing up as the daughter of a skilled cosmetologist and salon owner, the essence of hair has woven itself into my life's fabric. Though I had access to top-notch professional hair care, it wasn't until college that I realized my complex relationship with my own natural hair. Navigating independent hair care was a profound lesson.


From the start, I embraced my natural hair due to my mom's unwavering decision against relaxers, even when I insisted at age 12. Over time, my hair experienced heat damage and coloring. I even went for a bold TWA cut to regrow it. Yet, it was during the 2020 quarantine that I experienced a deep transformation in my hair relationship. I learned to love and fully embrace my hair, regardless of its state.


Nurturing hair and fostering self-acceptance in the face of societal pressure can be overwhelming. But armed with knowledge and natural hair education, this journey becomes a beautiful transformation. I hope Her Crown and Glory becomes a guiding light for every naturalista, illuminating the path to embrace this remarkable journey fully.

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Imani Gabriel. Owner of Her Crown and Glory, LLC

Imani Gabriel

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